Keep Running Smoothly

We provide you with everything you need:

  • Anti-virus Software
  • Computer Patch Monitoring/Updating
  • Predictive Failure Analysis

Pre-emptive and scheduled so nothing breaks to slow down your business!

For only $79 CAD a month per computer we provide practically everything you need.

When you sign up with us you can rest assured that it is in both our interests that computer problems don’t slow down your day-to-day operations.

Monitor displaying code

We provide everything below, for no additional charge:

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint, TEAMS, and more

Its all included. Windows or Mac, tablets and smartphones. Your entire team always uses the same version of all software and it’s always the most up-to-date version.

A 50 gig email account

Every user gets their own email account in Microsoft Exchange with anti-virus and anti-spam built right in. And its not just email; its a calendar, address book and more. And it all syncs quickly and easily to your smartphone and tablet!

We're always available

If you have a problem or question, just call us toll free at 1-800-465-3989. We install software on your computer to remote control it (with your permission of course). Sit back and we'll talk you through those annoying computer pains!

Data Management

Some data is private to you. Some data needs to be shared with others in your organisation. We'll set it all up for you using the same security standards common in Fortune 500 companies. Plus, all your data (including email) is backed up every 12 hours and retained for 2 weeks. 

Device Friendly

Access your data from any computer, tablet, or smartphone - any time. Edit a Word document on your phone. Access a spreadsheet with your iPad. Use your computer in any hotel or public space and never worry about security.